Что за ошибка частотника?

Deltabpbwby 07.04.2018
Object, Single, UInt32, UInt64. yes WriteLine Same as Write but with NewLine appended. NewLine only. yes For applications that transfer text, numeric data other than bytes, and logical values, the SerialPort class includes methods that handle the encoding and decoding of these data types. For example, an application that wants to send the text “CMD1” followed by a LF character could store the character codes in a byte array and write the array to a port: vb Dim dataToSend 4 As Byte dataToSend O = Asc "C" dataToSend l = Asc "M" dataToSend 2 = Asc 'D" dataToSend 3 = Asc T dataToSend 4 = 10 myComPort.Write dataToSend, 0, 5 164 Using .NET’s SerialPort Class Table 9-2: Applications have many choices when reading from a SerialPort object. Object Method Data Type Returned Blocking SerialPort Read Byte array or subarray. Char array or subarray. Waits for at least 1 Byte or Char ReadByte Byte. yes ReadChar Char. yes ReadExisting String. no ReadLine String to first NewLine. Discards NewLine. yes ReadTo String to first specified Char. Discards specified Char. yes BinaryReader Read Integer containing a character code. Byte array or subarray. Char array or subarray. yes ReadBoolean Boolean. yes ReadByte Byte. yes ReadBytes Byte array. yes ReadChar Char. yes ReadChars Char array. yes ReadDecimal Decimal. yes ReadDouble Double. yes ReadInt16 Int16. yes ReadInt32 Int32. yes ReadInt64 Int64. yes ReadSByte SByte. yes ReadSingle Single. yes ReadString String prefixed with length. yes ReadUInt16 UInt16. yes ReadUInt32 UInt32. yes ReadUint64 UInt64. yes StreamReader Read Integer containing a character code. Char array or subarray. Waits for at least 1 Char ReadBlock Char array or subarray. yes ReadLine String up to a NewLine. Discards NewLine. yes 165 Chapter 9 vc# Byte dataToSend = new Byte 5 ; dataToSend 0 = byte 'C'; dataToSend 1 = byte 'M'; dataToSend 2 = byte 'D'; dataToSend 3 = byte '1'; dataToSend 4 = 10; myComPort.Write dataToS prom-electric.ru

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